Look at Us

Jaidha Dancy (3rd Grade), Robert Gray (2nd Grade), Lakendra Burrow (6th Grade), KJ Knight (Kindergartern) and Kamien Bady (6th Grade) we all involved in this years coronation. We are really proud of all of them as they represented well. Pretty cool that we had 25% of our students selected for this years coronation. We were […]

Tom Brokaw and a Very Large Check

No. Tom Brokaw didn’t give our ministry money. But Mr. Brokaw did hear about our ministry at a recent gathering at the GRAMMY Museum. The Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi, www.cfnm.org  has helped our ministry accomplish its goals for the past 2 years by granting us funds for certain items that we needed. We were […]

Very Large Shirts

Although it may not seem like a big deal for some watching this video, please understand that our kids have no arts program at school. In many cases there is no music program other than our marching band Because of a cool partnership with Delta Arts Alliance in Cleveland, MS, we are able to offer […]

Nehemiah and Diligence

For the past couple weeks we have been talking about diligence. This week we had the chance to talk about Nehemiah and the story of him facing adversity and being diligent in not only cleaning Jerusalem but repairing the walls. We used the resources that we had to create the scene and take the kids […]

Community Foundation Northwest Mississippi

For the past two year, the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi has been giving financially to Re>Direct, our after-school program. Because of the strides that were made last year, we wanted to increase capacity in learning. Part of that is through technology and they have taken on a large part of that by allowing us […]

The King’s Daughters and Sons Circle Number

The King’s Daughters and Sons Circle Number Two blessed us this year in a huge way. After a visit to our program, we made it known that we could increase capacity if we could hire 2 ladies from our community as part time Mentor Specialists. Not only does that help our program but it also helps […]

Real Christian Foundation

As we continue to grow and build the ministry, we have formed great partnerships with different local foundations and businesses and we wanted to give each of them a shout out. The impact that each of these foundations has on our ministry is incredible. The impact that they are having in the Mississippi Delta is even […]

Mentos Challenge

Our kids don’t get to do many science experiments so much of what they are learning is straight out of the book. We figured we would take some theory and make it real by taking mentos and dropping them in some diet soda. 3 bottles competed, students created predictions before heading out and then recorded […]

State Representative Abe Hudson Visits

This past monday we were blessed to have State Representative, Abe Hudson come to the REDirect After School Program and visit. Not only did he talk with our students but he challenged them in many ways. He propelled them into thinking about what the Mississippi Delta could be like and asked for thoughts and ideas. […]

Working Hard-Playing Hard

Our kids have been working hard the past two weeks so this Thursday was reward day! Check out the short video.