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By The Numbers

At The Core

Whether in business or in ministry, sometimes we can get swayed away from what we are really all about and what we are trying to accomplish.

Our Mission is to develop programs to help kids fight intergenerational poverty. This fight is a real one as it continues to destroy the very fabric of a human being. It erodes self worth, and dignity by continually playing the tune, “you don’t matter.” It does not see color because it is not partial yet the economic effects are felt large as it makes people feel like they are “less than.”

This presents a problem for someone like me. When we look at the Imago Dei, we can see that we were created to reflect the image and attributes of God. In creation, we see the infinite worth that God placed on human beings. Even if we are not a Christian, we can sense that something isn’t right.

In everything that we continue to do we are guided by five core values. These core values have never changed. They are the foundation of who we are and they guide what we do.

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These five important values keep us grounded as we look at what the future can bring. They help us make wise and sound decisions. They filter out the exterior noise that can sometimes confuse. We believe strongly in our core values and we hope you do too.

By The Numbers

During the past year, it is safe to say that COVID-19 turned the world upside down. It has forced everyone to rethink the way we do business, church, ministry, gatherings, birthday parties, funerals, and more.

In putting together this report it is important that we filter the increase/decrease in giving through that lens.

We broke down our giving numbers into four categories:


We then present the numbers in percentages related to overall giving numbers. So here are the findings:

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In 2019, we saw the majority of our giving come through individuals. For many organizations, individual giving is the smallest giving unit. That is not the case for our ministry and we want to again say “Thank You” to everyone that faithfully gives to our ministry efforts. Thank you for believing in our work, our kids, and our community.

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During 2020, we saw a fairly significant shift in our giving numbers.

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From 2019 to 2020, we saw a decline in our individual giving. That is not shocking given the circumstances that happened in 2020. Individual giving went from 65% down to 49% in a 12 month time period. We are super grateful that it didn’t drop further and we believe that over the next year we will be able to report an increase.

On the positive side:

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Foundations and grant giving organizations saw a sharp increase during the last 12 months. Again, given the circumstances of 2020, funding for shifts related to COVID-19 became available. For instance, we never thought we would need to have air purifiers, masks, hotspots, computers, and more for virtual learning. As a matter of fact, virtual learning was considered more of a “fad” or something “trendy.” How quickly we adapted to this new learning environment all out of necessity. The “fad” quickly became reality and we all had to shift. Mothers and fathers, grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles all became teachers in an instant.

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In looking at the comparison of numbers our corporate gifts remain low. This is an area that we need to increase and will be focusing on during 2021.

Church giving is another area that we want to focus on in 2021. We believe that there is room for strategic partnerships with more churches that believe what we believe.

We are prayerful that our grant giving numbers stay up and that our individual giving increases over this next year.

This past year has really been tough and on a good note 2020 is in the rear view mirror. Our prayer for you is that 2021 will be a much better year and that God would continue to bless you as you are a blessing to others.

Thanks again for all that you do to help kids fight intergenerational poverty.


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About Director
William Wright

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