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Creative Education Ideas

Successful Non-Profit Attacks Education Problems

Our education system is broken.

Many would argue with this statement but the statistics are staggering and clear in favor of some sort of change.

The late Sir Ken Robinson is the most-watched speaker in TED’s history. His 2006 talk, “Do Schools Kill Creativity” has been viewed online over 60 million times and seen by an estimated 380 million people in 160 countries.

While this talk was in 2006, many of the facts and statements still exist in 2020.

The video you just watched was something that we created from the book Creative Schools by Sir Ken Robinson.

With any seemingly large issue, the tendency is to not do anything. People have said that the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. The same would be true with the educational system and the reform needed. It will take organizations, like ours, to be the change. This requires organizations to dare to think differently, to do differently, and to understand that the way that things have been done might need to change.

About Director
William Wright

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